Download Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, Second Edition
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Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, Second Edition
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About the Author
Wolfgang Engel is CEO of SoftGroup GmbH and SoftGroup Plska, which offer IT and game development services. These companies produce 3D animations for marketing and advertising activities. Wolfgang holds lectures and workshops on Direct3D programming worldwide and writes tutorials on Direct3D which are presented at as well as his own Web site, He is the author of "Beginning Direct3D Game Programming" (0761531912).
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Product details
Series: Game Programming
Paperback: 440 pages
Publisher: Muska & Lipman/Premier-Trade; 2nd edition (June 12, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 193184139X
ISBN-13: 978-1931841399
Product Dimensions:
7.2 x 1 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.2 out of 5 stars
11 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#6,130,015 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
DirectX is difficult to master. Even drilling down into just D3D is exceptionally challenging for most students. I have been looking for a DX book to use on an undergraduate course and in the process I have reviewd a few. While most books have something to offer few have drawn the whole of any of the DX modules together. Given the standard of the SDK documentation there is a clear need for good textbooks. My reaction to the present text is that it is very unsutiable for beginners. In the first place, it is not well written. Secondly,some of the code is way beyond what beginners could grasp and there is very little hand holding to reassure pedagogues like me. Thirdly, the material of matrices could do with being looked at again. However, it is not all gloom. The chapter on animation is really very good and well worth spending the time on.All too frequently we see computer programming texts come out without proper regard for the readership. Occasionally the reading public have the right to expect publishers to get material out there that was written to be read by others. I don't blame the authors, but the publishers who don't put enough editorial weight behind their offerings. I have no doubt but that this book could have been a much more useful book with appropriate editorial input. May be the 3rd edition will be.
This Book focuses on DirectX applications. if you ever tried writting your own vertices , planes ,....etc. this is the book you need to use the already built in features of Direct-X , even if you are an OPEN_GL programmer. i mixed the structures and data types in DirectX with the existing Open GL programs to reduce the code. i feel sorry i did not read this book before, it is like reading the mind of a graphics programmer and tell you what you need in the next page. i recommend this book for any one started programming 3D and wants to make a quick advance or wants to modify the macaroni codes he created and wants to simplify it extreamly and get a better performance (both Direct3D or Open GL).reagrdsJunk Man
This book covers the usage of DirectX 9.0. Note, this book is not a cook-book type book where it tells you how to program a game in DirectX 9.0.I would not buy this book again (ie future version/revision).
I've been waiting a long time for a book like this. I'm a Unix software developer by profession, but only a hobbyist when it comes to PC game programming. Back in the good old days, before Windows and DirectX/DirectWhatever, it was possible for us casual programmers to keep up with the technology and have fun experimenting with graphics and game programming. I simply lost interest when the complexity of the operating system and video hardware started getting in the way.I've been searching for a good book on Direct3D graphics programming for years and finally found one that delivers what it promises. Wolfgang Engel, the author, obviously understands how frustrating the learning process can be. The content of this book is masterfully structured to give the reader a solid understanding of everything you need to know. It's friendly, informal, humorous, and focused. It's a big book, but it reads fast, and keeps you interested.The author assumes you know C and maybe a little C++. That's about the only prerequisite you'll need to understand the material
This is a great book with which to learn directx 9; it introduces the new shader abilities of directx. the only downside is that this book is only useful if you have a good background in C programming or better yet c++, not to mention the fact that this 2nd edition doesn't have the original chapters from the 1st edition about physics and collision detection by Amir Geva. if you know C, this is the book for you if you want to get started with direct3D without delving too deep into windows programming and general directx programming
I am a totally beginning programmer, I've only taken 1 & 1/2 programming classes so far. Like the guy below me said, it isn't enough to write a game, but it's gives you a good enough understand to start your own valuable research on the topic. The author lists many really good sites to start with. Also, the section on setting up your compiler is CRUCIAL and I have never been able to get it working before now. The cd as well has some good stuff on it.
This is THE shader programming introduction from the expert ! Don't miss it. Just playing around with the numerous example programs is fun. In one of the examples you can fly around with two space ships ... both are turned with a quaternion.If you see the shader driven character engine, your yaw will drop like mine.Grab it, buy it, read it. This one maximizes your direct3d knowledge.
This is the best introduction to Direct3D that I've seen in a book. Engel starts from the gound up, starting from very basic examples to a full-blown character engine with vertex and pixel shader support.My advice: A must to any c++ programmer who wants to start programming games.
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