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Product details
File Size: 4098 KB
Print Length: 200 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (March 11, 2015)
Publication Date: March 11, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#365,677 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
First of all let me say that I think the book is very good on overall concepts, and secondly that I have not finished the entire book yet so I will update my review in a day or two when I finish it. I greatly enjoyed Al's discussion of technical analysis and his detailed explanation of looking for trades. I do need to point out a couple of what I consider rather serious shortcomings that I have found so far. Firstly he gives the butterfly strategy rather short shrift in only looking at a 1 strike wide butterfly. If a larger width is used then one has the opportunity to "harvest" the embedded "baby butterflies" or "unseen verticals" as well as moving the verticals around to "harvest" them or reduce risk. Unless he does it later he does not mention asymmetrical configurations either. Secondly in his discussion of short put versus long stock, he makes a very serious lapse in my opinion when he outlines the P/L at expiration of the two strategies. Although he is most certainly completely aware of this, he should have mentioned the P/L of a quick drop in the underlying and an increase in implied volatility that would probably easily triple the value of that $1.00 put he was discussing. True if you are prepared to take the stock (which you should be) then this might not be that important, but it is not a good feeling seeing a large drop in your P/L and if you are not sized correctly could be rather devastating. This is why personally I prefer some kind of exposure to long options as well as short puts for example. As this will generally give me at least "one more option" (pun intended) as to making some kind of a strategic move if I need to as my outlook on volatility or the underlying may change over time as I am frequently wrong on my initial assumptions (more than I would like for sure). I'll update this review if needed when I finish the book but overall I highly recommend Mr Sherbin's book and thank him for his contribution to the options literature. I am really enjoying the read. Having finished the book now I also have to upgrade my rating to five stars
Received Al's book in March and began putting on trades within a week of reading. Results speak loudest....24 winners versus 3 losers applying Al's concepts so far.I have benefited by hearing Al speak to small groups twice before the book publication. To use his approach, you need a trading platform that allows the adding of custom studies to your charts. I'm pretty certain I use the same trading platform as Al based on his in-person small group meeting presentations (thinkorswim by T.D. Ameritrade). These custom scripts can be gotten on various message boards for free so don't let this issue stop you from reading this book.Al's approach is heavily probability based so he spends a lot of time in his book explaining this and then he demonstrates how to apply this probability approach to selecting good trades. Almost all of my trades have been "defined risk" except for a couple short puts. I'm mentioning this to let you know this book is definitely for beginners as well as those more experienced. I look forward to employing some "earnings trade" concepts but I have purposely started slow to make sure I understand the content in this book.I'm confident this book will become a Classic. It is so well written and directed at those really wanting to learn and profit from trading options.Update June 20, 2015: May 2015 results finished 24 wins, 8 losses and June 2015 results finished 22 wins, 3 losses......this book is a strong buy.
I've been learning and trading options for close to five years, beginning with two years of extensive option, future and self directed investment education from the leading company in the industry, and two years filling my trading day with a popular internet trading network. Profitable yes, organized and systematic in my trading, no. I had been waiting for the in-depth and thought provoking guidance that is presented so clearly written in this fantastic book. I am going to follow through with the processes laid out in this book for a much firmer understanding of what I am attempting to accomplish with my trading day in and day out. So much more than "trade small and trade often". How about "trade smart and trade profitable". Excited to build my profitable trading routine with the accompanying website too.great value!!!!
It's humorous to me how those of us who buy Al's Sherbin's book get to critique what he has written and he has deemed important in order to trade options successfully. (especially when considering his decades of experience and impeccable the bottom lines on the back of the book!) This guy has been steadily successful for decades-who cares what I think? So for those who may hesitate before buying this book I offer the following: This book contains information that other options trading books have never covered. The chapter on "Portfolio Management" is worth it's weight in gold! Al Sherbin presents concepts and trades that are probably a bit more advanced than a new trader would realize even exists- but those trades are fully explained in detail and completely understandable. The concepts, the trades, the emphasis on exactly how to Identify, Analyze and then Execute options trades make this book a must have. As another reviewer has said: " Instant Classic"...
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